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Exp stages both in config.lua and stages.xml - Why?


Oct 24, 2008
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Why does stages.xml exist if the stages are changed in config.lua? Am I missing something?
If you are using a recent version of The Forgotten Server. This feature was moved to LUA in the commit #1642:

Maybe he just forgot to remove the XML 🤔
Same for mounts and other stuff why we need shit like Mount id just put it in lua table and base id off space inside the table. Clearly people with brainr*t write most of those functions.
You can delete stages.xml if you use 1.4+ engine.
Setup config.lua
I mean why not just use constants in lib instead all separate XML files? like a second config.lua
all separate files are so annoying this should never have been a feature.
there is so many things to customize.
I mean why not just use constants in lib instead all separate XML files? like a second config.lua
all separate files are so annoying this should never have been a feature.
there is so many things to customize.
Nothing stops you from doing that, I still use .xml, reverted the commit just because I wasn't used to type stages on config.lua ;p

Why does stages.xml exist if the stages are changed in config.lua? Am I missing something?
stages.xml is deprecated, but kept for backwards compatibility. We didn't want to break everyone's servers with the change.

I mean why not just use constants in lib instead all separate XML files? like a second config.lua
all separate files are so annoying this should never have been a feature.
there is so many things to customize.
That's the plan. We even added a XML parser in Lua so we can get rid of XML parsing from the server and keep compatibility while you migrate: Add XML parsing bindings for Lua by ranisalt · Pull Request #4108 · otland/forgottenserver (https://github.com/otland/forgottenserver/pull/4108)

Nothing stops you from doing that, I still use .xml, reverted the commit just because I wasn't used to type stages on config.lua ;p
You don't need to revert the commit, you can just ignore the Lua configuration.
stages.xml is deprecated, but kept for backwards compatibility. We didn't want to break everyone's servers with the change.

That's the plan. We even added a XML parser in Lua so we can get rid of XML parsing from the server and keep compatibility while you migrate: Add XML parsing bindings for Lua by ranisalt · Pull Request #4108 · otland/forgottenserver (https://github.com/otland/forgottenserver/pull/4108)

You don't need to revert the commit, you can just ignore the Lua configuration.
well no you can just use the config.lua configuration instead as its easier. /reload config