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[USA][Custom] SoE RPG - Original Mechanics - New Adventures - 8.0 Style World Release! [05.31.24]

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So I found this OT by chance, and I saw there's a mixed reviews here and some drama so I decided to check it for myself.

Here's my review of it:
The OT seems to be pretty nicely done with nice to look at web page (although green af xD)
So I registered and jumped in, I felt a bit overwhelmed with custom rookgaard, there's houses, a lot of people training by the temple, and pretty high levels for rookgaard. So I asked some who was walking by to tell me if I should exp normally or do what, he told me to do tasks at temple and take grizzly adam's task (there's one on rookgaard) so I did. I've walked down to sewers with my starting club and killed few rats, when suddenly a animation played of blue pulsating light. Suddenly Red Skull Rat appears and he slapped, so I went up, bought 2 spears and healed up, went down killed him again. This was my first time with the mini-boss system this server has to offer, there's a chance for demonic/diabolic tier 1/tier 2 mini-boss to spawn and those offer additional challenge but also additional loot. It breaks through the boring monotony of the grind and allows for additional loot/exp and some magical items.

So the magical items, there's a diablo-like system of items being able to roll additional stats and ILVL that gives you some basic stats to help grind and kill shit faster, this also leads to crafting, allowing you to re-roll, re-add and upgrade magical values of the item. I've gotten legendary leather boots which had 5 armor and 2% additional exp which made me stick to them for a long while.

Another fun custom thing I've seen was the "cursed chests" that come with 4 rarity levels: common, rare, epic, legendary. When you are level 8 you usually sell the location to the higher level players who are always on look-out for those. They appear randomly on the map, and if you are lucky you can get an epic chest on your way to trolls, which selling provides you up to 50-60k in cash for players willing to pay for location.Once you are a bit stronger you can do a common one, and if you are lucky you can earn some good loot or gem boxes or other fun stuff.

So on the topic of Gemboxes, beside the magical attributes there's also the 'gem' system, where you can directly upgrade your weapon with crit/crit chance/life leech and life leech chance. It's a bit too plain for my liking, but it does give an additional edge to slay monsters and go number go BRRRRRRR.

Map is RL tibia 7.72 with liberty bay and Svargrond. There's also some Narnia island but I've never been there only heard stories about it (lol, maybe I should check some closets...) generally the spawns from current Tibia are intertwined into old areas which i love, it gives even the older areas more life and doesn't make mainland feel abandoned and empty.

To add to map stuff, there's few "challange of Elysium" or so dungeons in-map, they allow you solo or group challange for some nice EXP and rewards (first being under Darashia Minotaur Piramid). This one can be done around level 30 (only with someone who'll help you clear it, it's hard) and basically allows you to buy pacc with rewards you get (which gives like 10% more, and allows you to buy house, not much more which I like) and some spare money for hunt or upgrades.

There's also custom 'dungeons' which you get few tokens to try, they are fun solo or with group, althou that is part that felt still very much in progress to me, they are playable and there's selection of them but I wish there was MORE of it. I love the idea of instanced dungeons in Tibia and I can only say I love it and I need more. I wish they add few more, and expand the ways to get dungeons tokens for them.


It's still tibia on steroids, and I enjoyed it, it gives player a lot more to do between just grind, the task system is pretty beefy and tries to balance weaker spawns with more rewards. It's still in progress OT so there's a bit of changes here and there, people get banned for botting pretty often (although, as life is it's hard to catch em all...)
I really enjoyed it and it felt like taking all the good ideas of other OT with their own spin on it, I'd recommend everyone to at least TRY it and form opinion on their own gameplay, and not base is around short drama on OTland :D

I rate it solid 8.5/10.
Finally, an honest detailed review, rather than some guy who got banned and just ranting here with no evidence. Thank you ^^
Finally, an honest detailed review, rather than some guy who got banned and just ranting here with no evidence. Thank you ^^
Why do you spread lies? I got banned because I wanted to, I was done with your server long before you ever considered banning me. I donated every single thing my account had and got banned after I realized that you guys are scammers and called you on it. Knowing 100% I would get banned for my actions. Don't act like I am salty for getting banned, I knew 100% I was getting banned for charging back on paypal.

This server is very corrupt, you guys simp for some pink haired idiot and are ruining the server for everyone, yeah the guy above is right the mechanics are nice but its sad that you are using stolen assets, change rules on a whim to protect your personal friends and are unwilling to fix critical bugs simply because that way you make more money. (Leaving postman and djinns bugged on purpose since you charge money for those quests, talk about pay to win)

Honestly it's pathetic.
Why do you spread lies? I got banned because I wanted to, I was done with your server long before you ever considered banning me. I donated every single thing my account had and got banned after I realized that you guys are scammers and called you on it. Knowing 100% I would get banned for my actions. Don't act like I am salty for getting banned, I knew 100% I was getting banned for charging back on paypal.

This server is very corrupt, you guys simp for some pink haired idiot and are ruining the server for everyone, yeah the guy above is right the mechanics are nice but its sad that you are using stolen assets, change rules on a whim to protect your personal friends and are unwilling to fix critical bugs simply because that way you make more money. (Leaving postman and djinns bugged on purpose since you charge money for those quests, talk about pay to win)

Honestly it's pathetic.
Thanks for your review. I feel sorry for the next OT owners that you visit. God help them. All the best.
Thanks for your review. I feel sorry for the next OT owners that you visit. God help them. All the best.
The other OTs where I play don't have corrupt GMs, thief staff and "bugs" tailored to force players to pay real money.
Some updates:

  • The way demonic/diabolic creatures are summoned upon death has been rewritten: - The chance increase of a demonic vial hardly had an impact. This has been increased to 2x the chance. - There were roughly 20~ or so missing creatures that would not summon. All creatures that have a demonic or diabolic version can now be summoned upon death. - All diabolic creatures will now issue out a skull coin upon death to the player with the most damage. Upon rewriting, a bug was discovered that prevent some demonic/diabolic creatures to never despawn. This has now been fixed. Edit: The current sprites are all the red/pink ones relating to a demonic vial. This is just a visual bug and will be fixed tomorrow(9th).
  • Level 250 exp stage added at 0.4x
Update: SOE is still the most toxic and disgusting community ever but you still get banned for telling Neko that she's fat.
Hey! I'm back with second (shorter review)
I've been playing it off and on. It has a lot of content that I really still enjoy (chests, minibosses etc) and I've hit 160 level.
So lemme do a short + - list
  • Lovely upgrade system
  • Good money sinks
  • Fun to play solo and with friends
  • Good gear progression
  • Healthy economy for low levels
  • Keeps you on the edge
  • Pretty solid vocation balance (althou EK and Pala feels way stronger than mages)
-+ There's a war going on, so sometimes you can get cought in some's-else matters
+- A lot of changes and rule changes so sometimes you get lost what's added and what's not
-+ A lot of content that is teased and slowly released but could be a bit faster
-While there is a lot of money sinks, I feel like it needs a bit more, money is just a bit TOO easy to come by at later levels
-EXP rates can feel a bit too slow at the times, I understand it's for economy/balance but I like numbers going BRRRRRR.

I upkeep my rating of 8.5/10
Hey! I'm back with second (shorter review)
I've been playing it off and on. It has a lot of content that I really still enjoy (chests, minibosses etc) and I've hit 160 level.
So lemme do a short + - list
  • Lovely upgrade system
  • Good money sinks
  • Fun to play solo and with friends
  • Good gear progression
  • Healthy economy for low levels
  • Keeps you on the edge
  • Pretty solid vocation balance (althou EK and Pala feels way stronger than mages)
-+ There's a war going on, so sometimes you can get cought in some's-else matters
+- A lot of changes and rule changes so sometimes you get lost what's added and what's not
-+ A lot of content that is teased and slowly released but could be a bit faster
-While there is a lot of money sinks, I feel like it needs a bit more, money is just a bit TOO easy to come by at later levels
-EXP rates can feel a bit too slow at the times, I understand it's for economy/balance but I like numbers going BRRRRRR.

I upkeep my rating of 8.5/10
Thanks for the review. Glad to see a review that includes positives/neutral/negatives. We will keep working to try and create more gp money sinks!
I've found the EU server of SOE after the first week it was released by some random twitch streamer while scrolling through their lists of streams.
The first few weeks were the old Tibia experiences all over, really loved the place. Community was amazing, english speaking and really helpfull in all matters.
During april I had my first lag spikes, died several times but this was fixed by an update at that time.
In may is where the <in my eyes> real problems started.

1. There was a new GM in place, Finis.
Even though I'm sure this GM is qualified to do its job this GM is not qualified well enough to speak with and towards the community. He is biased, hostile, talks like a spoiled 12 year old and should be muted by admin or have his powers revoked.

2. To either boost online playercount or not having a good alternative to remove MC cheaters, MC'ing a character was made legal. So consider the fact that true online players are halved when looking at online characters (edit: it is legal to use spells to keep yourself online. so max active playing online characters is most likely only 25-40%. People are rewarded with coins when staying online, so they do this to make runes, train or just stand in PZ.)

3. The friday 26 may an quick update was released which impacted knights gameplay real bad (remember this is after having the server online for circa 2 months).
Exori spells damage had decreased by 30%, fishes used for healing by knights had restrictions by both exp level and fishing level. Made the fishes useless for alot of knights, while strong healing potions are the best potions avaible in shop. This decreased the online players by 25-50%.

4. The admin appearently tried to hide the fact that they were aware of duping, and let it continue for several weeks even though it was reported. On 31 may the truth came out, people got banned but duped items were scattered through the whole cummunity. I can only conclude this is the end of this OT, as it's not the first time this happend (the NA server also had duping problems, the admins fix was to release EU server but not to get the duping problems fixed beforehand).

I think the list can go on, but I shall stop writing here with the overall message that this OT brought me back to better times. It is sad to see how it ended up, due to wrong choices (fed by community through fixed polls or not). I hope there will be a new server with all mentioned points fixed, because the server as is should not excist and people should be warned to not spend money for the time being.
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people should be warned to not spend money for the time being
that's stupid
i understand logic in warning people about not spending money on servers which claim to be long terms.
i do not like soe project but imo active server durability was 1 and half month to 2 months and that's long comparing them to realesta shit/realesta clones. those servers are dead after 1 day - 1 week and most claim to be long terms
Very sad to see how this server died!

Very cool mechanics and developer work put into it, ruined by the egos and corruption of the GMs/Admins!

I hope people learn from this, feels very sad for the people who were spending 200 Euros per week on this now dead server.

I recommend people to do chargebacks with their banks/Paypal asap.
the amount of braincells from you guys on this thread is so cringe :D

if you spend 200 $ a week on a free to play game you're the problem, not the provider :D
the amount of braincells from you guys on this thread is so cringe :D

if you spend 200 $ a week on a free to play game you're the problem, not the provider :D
This is so true man, have you ever been to the SOE discord? It's such a circus.

New EU world release this Friday, September 1st. 1x rates without stages, but if you've played SoE before you know we feature fast respawns and really a comfortable progression. TONS of new bosses & content since the last world release, hundreds of hours of balancing in ways of equipment, vocations, spells, weapons, monsters and more! Loot & difficulty boosts to Diabolic creatures to really make them engaging and rewarding for the brave. Way more improvements than I could possibly detail but checkout our changelog if you're curious!

We've had some mistakes in the past which is apart of learning.. but we truly do have the player's best intentions in mind and hope you'll consider giving us a try this time around! Lots of hype already beginning, join us in discord and see what's new at SoE!
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I have a few questions about this new server.

Did you fix the duplicate bug?
Did the owner grow up or he still hating his community?
Are you still liars?

After above I’m also wondering:

How do you think it works having 3 servers? Have it been fun trying to milk the community out of every penny possible, releasing a new server every 3 months when you barely have a community supporting even half a server for more then a month?

SOE was great when it came out new on the block but quickly we saw greed and liars behind the steering wheels. Ruined everything. Now SOE is known as “good server but worst administration”. Too personal invested and too sensitive and too childish and also money hungry.

This new launch will not succeed
I have a few questions about this new server.

Did you fix the duplicate bug?
Did the owner grow up or he still hating his community?
Are you still liars?

After above I’m also wondering:

How do you think it works having 3 servers? Have it been fun trying to milk the community out of every penny possible, releasing a new server every 3 months when you barely have a community supporting even half a server for more then a month?

SOE was great when it came out new on the block but quickly we saw greed and liars behind the steering wheels. Ruined everything. Now SOE is known as “good server but worst administration”. Too personal invested and too sensitive and too childish and also money hungry.

This new launch will not succeed

Did you fix the duplicate bug?
Yes, this was fixed on 09-05-2023, keep up.

Are you still liars?
When did we lie?

We had 3 servers. The tournament has ended, effectively closing the server and transfer capability was initiated (EU -> US and Tournament -> US). Window for transfer capability has now been closed aswell.
Aedis(EU) is being reused for well.. EU. And Sanctum(US) is still up and running.
Eventually, we will return to 2 servers, Sanctum(US) and Aedis(EU).

It is what it is. People are free to go where they want and when they want to. We can't force someone to stay and we won't. Same counts for donations, we're not forcing someone to spend a penny, yet they do. On a more personal note, I am not in it for the money. Working and developing on an OT server is a hobby, it is definitely not (meant) to be a primary source of income.

Sad to hear you're so negative about it, but everyone is free to do, feel and say the things they want. My apologies if you feel that way, but sadly we cannot satisfy everyone and we can only act on what we know.
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I have a few questions about this new server.

Did you fix the duplicate bug?
Did the owner grow up or he still hating his community?
Are you still liars?

After above I’m also wondering:

How do you think it works having 3 servers? Have it been fun trying to milk the community out of every penny possible, releasing a new server every 3 months when you barely have a community supporting even half a server for more then a month?

SOE was great when it came out new on the block but quickly we saw greed and liars behind the steering wheels. Ruined everything. Now SOE is known as “good server but worst administration”. Too personal invested and too sensitive and too childish and also money hungry.

This new launch will not succeed
afaik from seeing the store, they don't have any p2w items. So how are they greedy? Or am I missing something?