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Does anyone want an updated TFS 1.4.x+

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Content Editor
Dec 26, 2013
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Ok so I have started working on a project that will break away from OT. I have started with the base as TFS 1.4.2 (because it has a suitable client to connect with). I have been doing many of the "fixes" and such from the main branch, and I also replaced the garbage CMake build system for Premake. Premake has been around for a very long time, its used by big companies like Blizzard, and even recommended by one of my favorite C++ Youtube Devs "The Cherno".

Anyways, the point is this, eventually I will get to the point of not using the commits from the main branch or other forks anymore, and start introducing stuff that has nothing to do with the leg bone...

Is there anyone out there who would want a copy of this version after I am done commit farming and fixing it up, before I drop everything that has to do with cip?

If so, what is it everyone really is looking for in an updated 10.98 server?
Well I only got one person message me privately and one like. I assume there is more than 2 people who want to an updated 10.98 based off 1.4?

Here is a teaser video showing all the commits I have done so far. Most were taken right off the main branch and have the commit number and original title to find easily on the main branch.

So far..
60 commits + new build system
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If so, what is it everyone really is looking for in an updated 10.98 server?
I believe 10.98 should have Prey System and the Imbuiment from the 2016 update.

I always wanted to start a TFS 10.9X project using Prey/Imbuiment as a base for a low RPG project lol, but that's only a thing i wanted myself i don't
know if someone else agree. (and at this point, forge xD)
I think most people are currently interested in a updated 10.98 client version TFS to build their server with OTC
No one cares about new TFS atm
Well I hope you are right. Either way I will upload the repo to github and make it public when I am ready to start letting others make issues and pull requests. :D

This is definitely still 10.98.

I believe 10.98 should have Prey System and the Imbuiment from the 2016 update.

I always wanted to start a TFS 10.9X project using Prey/Imbuiment as a base for a low RPG project lol, but that's only a thing i wanted myself i don't
know if someone else agree. (and at this point, forge xD)
I also liked the prey system and imbuements as well. However I feel these things are all about the end user. They should decide if this is something they would want, so a prey system or imbuement system should be written in lua, imo. That does mean though, that the lua api should definitely make it easy to make such systems, and I will definitely look into exactly that. Good suggestion!
I believe 10.98 should have Prey System and the Imbuiment from the 2016 update.

I always wanted to start a TFS 10.9X project using Prey/Imbuiment as a base for a low RPG project lol, but that's only a thing i wanted myself i don't
know if someone else agree. (and at this point, forge xD)
Prey and imbuement system was added on tibia 10.100 (the last one before moving to Tibia 11) it was not present in client 1098.
Since we aren't trying to match new clients, network codes aren't of any importance for something that is just like "Prey" and "Imbuements". Either one of those systems can be made without having to interface with the original client in the same way as it does in cipia right now, and for those who use OTC they can use extendedopcodes to make their own that would be indistinguishable from the original.

It would definitely be quite a bit of work, and the client side stuff would have to be written for otc or it would all need to be interfaced with differently, either commands (talkactions) or modalwindows.

I could try to make building such systems in lua as painless as possible.
I would also accept PR's for such "Mockup" versions if someone decided to make it,
or if someone wanted to make a full fledged version in c++ and just pass the option to enable and disable to config.lua, that is worth considering as well... it would of course need to be as modifiable as possible though.
I believe 10.98 should have Prey System and the Imbuiment from the 2016 update.
I think most people are currently interested in a updated 10.98 client version TFS to build their server with OTC
When I downloaded the new TFS version, I didn't really like it. I prefer 1.4 with 10.98. I'm trying hard to add Imbuiments, preys, and everything else. My base is TFS 1.4.3, which I have already updated with around 123 + 50 commits. They are running very well so far.

hese commits were posted by Evil Punker, right? There are 123 commits on GitHub.
60 commits + new build system
I dont like the Tibian style prey and the imbuiment system. Could be made much better by a random OT guy but thats just me.

There was someone doing 1.4.3 for 10.98 but it never happenend I guess?
What a fucking stupid move by tfs devs.

Everyone want 10.98 beczuse otc client is heaps above the new garbage 11 client.

TFS devs really decided to go with a closed source client. Instead of embracing an open, super good client that majority of players use

Just reset tfs main branch to 1.4.2 and the 10.98 protocol. Remove any changes made the last 2 years from the main repo.
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the main maintainer cant even provide a fucking client so that people can even use the main branch. are you kidding me
When I downloaded the new TFS version, I didn't really like it. I prefer 1.4 with 10.98. I'm trying hard to add Imbuiments, preys, and everything else. My base is TFS 1.4.3, which I have already updated with around 123 + 50 commits. They are running very well so far.

hese commits were posted by Evil Punker, right? There are 123 commits on GitHub.
That is awesome! I wouldn't mind seeing that list of commits. I tried starting with 1.4.3 but it starts with like 70 errors. So I just started with 1.4.2 instead, and have been selective about which commits I do.

Yes I used the list epunker made, but not everything, I am trying to get all the fixes and important stuff though. I will end up doing much more than what is on that list in the end. I have my own modifications I wish to make, like for instance that change in build system I have already done.
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That is awesome! I wouldn't mind seeing that list of commits. I tried starting with 1.4.3 but it starts with like 70 errors. So I just started with 1.4.2 instead, and have been selective about which commits I do.
Apart from that, I started with TFS 1.4.3 and encountered several errors during compilation, so I gave up and started with TFS 1.4.2. I saw a list of 123 commits posted by Evil Punker, which seemed quite daunting. Then, a friend had a good idea and helped me. We used the GitHub Desktop program along with the Windows CMD. I simply copied the link from the prints where I drew 'copy link' and pasted it into the Windows CMD to execute, which automatically deletes or replaces everything. After that, I opened MSCV and pressed recompile, and it worked! That's how it works, haha. I managed to upgrade from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3 and even implemented 50+ additional features.
Apart from that, I started with TFS 1.4.3 and encountered several errors during compilation, so I gave up and started with TFS 1.4.2. I saw a list of 123 commits posted by Evil Punker, which seemed quite daunting. Then, a friend had a good idea and helped me. We used the GitHub Desktop program along with the Windows CMD. I simply copied the link from the prints where I drew 'copy link' and pasted it into the Windows CMD to execute, which automatically deletes or replaces everything. After that, I opened MSCV and pressed recompile, and it worked! That's how it works, haha. I managed to upgrade from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3 and even implemented 50+ additional features.
View attachment 83379
I see. So you just used git to pull each commit one by one? I have been doing it manually. I think it takes a lot longer my way, but I also feel my way will be safer in the end, as I am reading every bit of code I put in, so I find mistakes, redundancies, places where some code doesn't belong simply because I haven't already implemented a different commit that modifies this section of code as well... stuff like that...

I also recompile after every major edit, and even after two or three small edits and use that "Sublime Merge" program to visually inspect my changes before committing them. So in the end it will take much more effort to do it my way, but I think it will be worth it since I am learning about how the code in each commit works as I go.

Figured before I got started hammering away at the keyboard today, I would stop and take the time to let everyone know there is still regular progress!
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That's great Codina! One question, i have plans on creating (in a future) a custom OT
My question is if the DAT/SPR will get modified or its the same as the 10.98, because i want
to start with the map first and want to know the compatibility of your project DAT/SPR /Items.otb

Can you link me which dat/spr otb is compatible with your repo project?

Thanks for the updates you're doing awesome :3
That's great Codina! One question, i have plans on creating (in a future) a custom OT
My question is if the DAT/SPR will get modified or its the same as the 10.98, because i want
to start with the map first and want to know the compatibility of your project DAT/SPR /Items.otb

Can you link me which dat/spr otb is compatible with your repo project?

Thanks for the updates you're doing awesome :3
Absolutely! The "Black Tek Server" will stay completely compatible with 10.98 dat/spr. Which means if you wanted to use the editors out there to make an "extended spr", you would follow the same steps as before (with tfs). You should have no problems with the using the standard .otb files that came with tfs 1.4.x, or the .otbm files that are produced when saved as 10.98 map with RME.

Thanks :D
Yes i would, if it has features that the community wants like the features from older distributions that were removed in newer ones
Yes i would, if it has features that the community wants like the features from older distributions that were removed in newer ones

What kind of features do u talk about from older tfs?
Dont tell me account manager haha
When will it be public?
I don't have an exact date in mind to be completely fair; I do however have a roundabout goal of stuff done before its "first release". Mostly the many tabs of commits I have open all done, and changing the "Forgotten Server" stuff everywhere in the sources, making a readme, and possibly a few other things before release. I would say you guys can expect the first release before Summer.

One thing I am unsure about. This server is going to inevitably end up breaking backwards compatibility with 1.4x and below eventually (hasn't yet), as that is just inevitable, there are so many changes that will end up happening... The thing I am unsure of, should I make the very first release completely backwards compatible (no breaking changes), or should I just go ahead and introduce breaking changes from the start, as to be very clear that this project doesn't intend to maintain cross compatibility with other servers?

What do you guys think? Let the first one be pure upgraded 1.4x, or go ahead and let it be it's own thing right from the start?

Yes i would, if it has features that the community wants like the features from older distributions that were removed in newer ones
I am also interested in which features you are talking about that got removed? Which features do you want to see in this server?

Dont tell me account manager haha
Funny you should mention it, although I don't plan on making an in game account manager before first release, it is definitely in my plans (and what is crazy is I never liked them).

The reason I want to eventually have an in-game account manager again, is because I want the server to be as download and run as possible, with the least amount of needs from outside programs/projects/tools. Also, almost every game everywhere offers the ability to make an account, and manage player creation/deletion directly in the game.

I think one of the biggest allure's of OT's (in the early days) was the fact that you could basically download and run!
Nowadays people have to sit through an hour long tutorial, following every step, and hoping the guy making the tutorial didn't leave something out, or hope that it will work with your version of blah blah, as well.

I would really like to get back to that point, where its as easy as download, and run. I know realistically, it won't ever be THAT simple, but, I want to make it as easy as possible!
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Here is another little teaser for you guys. This one took a few hours for me to work through yesterday, but game successfully compiles and runs without crashes, errors, or any problems!

The codebase is becoming more and more noticeably different from the main branch, which is making it more difficult to implement things... at least if you don't know what you are doing ;)
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