• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Black Tek Server Pre-Release

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Content Editor
Dec 26, 2013
Reaction score
Ok so here it is, what you guys have been waiting on.

There are a few caveats to this pre-release though:

1. I only compiled x64 on windows. BUT you can compile yourself on your own system easily.

2. There are errors on startup, they are errors for "non unique loot". BUT easy to fix yourself, it's exactly what it sounds like, non unique loot. The item it lists has more than one id associated to that name, hence its not unique. You must find the id of that item in items.xml (the correct one you wish to use, remember there are multiple), and then use that instead of the name, for that loot item. Or even easier, remove that loot.

3. I don't have full instructions (the readme contains some info but its missing a big chunk of stuff for linux), or the video tutorial. You have to have python 3.8+ and conan 2.x+ installed. Conan is easy to install. Once you have installed python, just open your terminal with elevated privileges (sudo/run as administrator), and type in "pip install conan", once you are done with that, run the command "conan profile detect" then you can run setup_build.py, wait for it to finish and it will generate you solution/project/make files. Now you can compile without any additional setup needed.

The good news is now you have access to to a 10.98 client based server, that was built from 1.4.2 with all these additional changes:

# Black Tek Features

# Implement Premake & Conan for package and build systems [CodeQuality]
# Simplify addDamagePoints Logic [CodeQuality]
# Add missing boolean push to setSpeachBubble [Fix]
# Use combat_ptr in combat:getParameter (#4074) [CodeQuality]
# Tie NEEDEXCHANGE behavior to classicEquipmentSlots setting (#4097) [Fix]
# Updated table size of ItemTypeGetAbilities (#4120) [Fix]
# Fixed an issue when setting a boolean type flag on a monster #4155 [Fix]
# Fix to Party:onLeave() #4168 [Fix]
# Adds missing ZONE_NOLOGOUT in Tile:getZone (#4178) [Enhancement]
# Avoid sending none magic effect (#4177) [Fix]
# Reset rent warnings upon successful house payment #4185 [Fix]
# Fixed rare crash on clean map #4189 [Fix]
# Fix variable scope in npc.lua #4187 [Fix]
# Functions Game.getNpcs() & Game.getMonsters() #4195 [Enhancement]
# Prevent double call to equipFunction inside MoveEvent::fireEquip #4214 [CodeQuality]
# Fix io.write not writing to console after logging a command #4209 [Fix]
# Refresh speed on vocation change. #4215 [Fix]
# Fixed argument order on luaDoAreaCombat (#4212) [Fix]
# Added source method Creature::isDead() [CodeQuality]
# Add Missing creature's internal::remove check #4235 [Fix]
# Field pathfinding #4229 [Fix]
# Fix for hotkeys not activating item movements #4238 [Fix]
# Move hangable check to move action (#4242) [Fix]
# Refactor formatDate and formatDateShort #4249 [CodeQuality]
# Fix God players light #4271 [Fix]
# Fix bug in Map::placeCreature when using extended positions #4270 [Fix]
# Fix login into field issue (#4285) [Fix]
# Fix invalid argument in spell:group (#4305) [Fix]
# Add missing HOUSE_DOOR_SHOW_PRICE into configKeys (#4325) [Fix]
# Replace virtual functions with static_cast commit #4060 and its fixes. Also LuaCreatureSetMaster sends updates to spectators now. [Fix]
# Avoid extra copy in PropStream::readString() (#4341) [CodeQuality]
# Fix reload global #4343 [Fix]
# Support charges and bulk item creation by talkaction #4350 and added missing itemType:isKey() method. [Enhancement]
# Fix issue with position calculation in move function #4323 [Fix]
# A better check for getNumber/getBoolean with defaultRet (#4348) [CodeQuality]
# Update compat.lua to include table.maxn() (#4118) [Enhancement]
# Update monster loading behavior with 'forceLoad' flag #4264 & #4374 [Fix]
# Fix uninitialized item id in market active offers (#4375) [Fix]
# Improve monsters turning to target behaviour #4363 [Fix]
# fix black square on healing spells (#4393) [Fix]
# Add Player:onInventoryUpdate(item, slot, equip) #3944 [Enhancement]
# Fixed exp stages ignoring last stage (#4351) [Fix]
# Fix NPC System Greetword+Keyword bug #4398 [Fix]
# Fix protocolOutfits for Gamemaster (#4400) [Fix]
# Fix npc: #4110 - remove useless params in some methods #4414 [Fix]
# Trigger onInventoryUpdate on login (#4415) [Fix]
# Fix monster load with forceLoad (#4424) [Fix]
# Move notify depot-box range to constexpr (#3722) [CodeQuality]
# Add config for length player name #3760 [CodeQuality]
# Move player task-delay #3717 [CodeQuality]
# Replace LuaVariant with std::variant #3981 [CodeQuality]
# Fix misleading indentation and add brackets #3992 [Fix]
# Use single list as waiting queue #3712 [CodeQuality]
# Add additional range check when pushing creature #3989 [Fix]
# No need to use pugi::cast let's just use as_string #4004 [CodeQuality]
# Replace slower boost::lexical_cast with stdlib conversions #3997 [CodeQuality]
# Fix Bank NPC transfer errors #3955 [Fix]
# Improve Npc:setSpeechBubble with param/bubble checks #4009 [Enhancement]
# Fix Player initialization order #4020 [Fix]
# Replace usages of str*cmp with C++ functions #4018 [CodeQuality]
# Replace std::bind with lambdas #4017 [CodeQuality]
# Update Lambda's to be c++20 friendly. #4380 [Fix]
# Fix: close parcel send thru mail system to other player #4538 [Fix]
# Added Modal Window Helper lib, and applied commit from #4399 [Enhancement]
# Add Missing lua methods "Game: getOutfits, getMounts, getVocations", and the helper function LuaScriptInterface::pushMount [Enhancement]
# Fix ProtocolOutfit const reference #4425 [Fix]
# Fix weapon charges not working #4471 [Fix]
# Fix DeEquip for decay items #4455 [Fix]
# Added "Player: isNearDepotBox, getIdleTime, resetIdleTime, sendCreatureSquare" lua methods [Enhancement]
# Fix default value in Game.getStorageValue #4473 [Fix]
# Fix hungry condition (#3827) [Fix]
# Replaces boost filesystem with std::filesystem, and replaces many copied instances of string with string_view. (#4079) [CodeQuality]
# Stop sending any packets from creatures that the stackpos is 10 or higher. [Fix]
# Place Creature Make it possible to set your desired effect (#3914) [Enhancement]
# Notify the client about NPC speechbubble update #4464 [Fix]
# feat: effects support for summons (#4146) [Enhancement]
# Database transaction and row insert in lua (#4589 & #4596) [Enhancement]
# New global event: OnSave (#4588 & #4595) [enhancement]
# Check userdata pointer in Loot:addChildLoot (#4558) [Fix]
# Add getSpectators method to Npc (#4247) [Enhancement]
# Move doAddContainerItem to compat, improve container:addItem (#4220) [CodeQuality]
# Update EventCallBack lua files to new the new way of handling. [Fix]
# Added (Party: onInvite, onRevokeInvitation, onPassleadership) (#4326) [Enhancement]
# Added XML parsing bindings for Lua (#4108) [Enhancement]
# Use built-in traceback lua method (#4051) [CodeQuality]
# Fix addEvent scheduler argument being passed by reference (#4053) [Fix]
# Added (House: setRent, getPaidUntil, setPaidUntil, getPayWarnings, & setPayWarnings) (#3753) [Enhancement]
# Add missing method in MonsterSpell for outfits (#4014) [Enhancement]
# Removed unnecessary check in setMonsterOutfit function #4633 [Fix]
# Added Item Classifications and Tiers for xml and lua [Enhancement]
# Fix for first NPC detection in Lua interface (#4033) [Fix]
# Fix player::disconnect method [Fix]
# onStepOut FIXED #4650 [Fix]
# Added reflect and boost item attributes (#2807,  #4039, #4037, and #4041) [Enhancement]
# Added ItemType:getShootType() lua method [Enhancement]
# Fix issue with item decay #4013 [Fix]
# Added three new CreatureEvents, onAttack, onMissedAttack (poff), and onBlockedAttack (ping). [Enhancement]
# Remove .c_str() where string_view is expected #4508 [CodeQuality]
# Support for hundredths after the decimal point #4524 [Fix]
# Creature.addSummon - Only notify if the master is a player #4550 [CodeQuality]
# Obtain the master of summons on death #4551 [Fix]
# Fix MatrixArea rotations (#4378) [Fix]
# Fix Memory Leak from Npc events #4483 [Fix]
# Added Player.onRotateItem event and corresponding lua methods #4541 [Enhancement]
# Fix normal_random skew towards mean & negative numbers (#4539 & #4555) [Fix]
# Fix summon walk behavior #4643 [Fix]
# Fix drunk condition crash [Fix]
# Monster.getId in onSpawn event #4557 [Fix]
# New Event onSpellTry #4619 [Enhancement]
# Micro optimization to Npcs #4564 [CodeQuality]
# Remove PlayerAutoWalk dead code #4635 [CodeQuality]
# Fix OTC Compatibility [Fix]

Works with both OTC and Default 10.98 client. <-- should be able to do your extended sprite fun with it as well :D


If you guys run into problems with "matrixarea" errors. Make sure you have ran the conan detect profile command, and navigate to


edit your profile, and change the cpp target from 14 to 20, or 17 to 20.


Thank you for the release. I'll test it later and give you feedback. Do you mind sharing the GitHub commit of this base? I'm curious to see what you added to each, just for curiosity's sake... 😁
Thank you for the release. I'll test it later and give you feedback. Do you mind sharing the GitHub commit of this base? I'm curious to see what you added to each, just for curiosity's sake... 😁
To everyone looking to to view the commit history.

There were bugs found already thanks to @ohman! I have since resolved them! These new files would be needed to replace old ones for the fixes.

For those wishing to implement themselves, you must revert the commit "Support for hundredths after the decimal" , and modify "onAttack" to be a void, instead of having a return (i also got rid of hitchance variable), and that solves the problems. Enjoy
Post automatically merged:


This is the Development Cycle and Versioning Protocol I have laid out for the Black Tek Server.

The 3rd phase is specially for the devs to fix minor changes in things such as variable names, function names, organization, and other internal code changes that don't affect anything externally. This way, we can keep PR's from sitting for ages because of a small disagreement between a maintainer and a contributer, on trivial things.

The only numbers that don't reset are the first and the last. The first one being the release version, and the very last being how many total commits there are to the project.

The numbers in between, reset after each official release, and increase by each change done during that phase.

This will make it clear to any dev which version a user is using to build from all the way down to the exact commit last implemented, as well as give end users a better understanding of their own build, and more options for version types, other than just "release" and "dev" versions.

With four options to choose from, the users should have a clear understanding of what benefits they are opting to choose over the others.

Experimental Release -- During fast growth cycle, most likely chalk full of bugs, but has latest features.
Secure Release -- the latest "Stable" version
Official Release -- Most stable version, officially supported everything in current up.
Advanced Release -- Contains changes that will break backwards compatibility from the previous official version.

Mind you, the order of these in that picture, is not quite set in stone, the first and the last yes, but the inbetween, I may change it to OSEA instead? I am still trying to work out that last little bit, but I think having an established protocol like this would be majorly beneficial to growth and development.


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Why did they delete my comment in Portuguese? In the 21st century, are you segregating other languages? the largest tibia community is BR... it has automatic translations... just as we should use the translator, you can also use it to translate the language... THIS IS A FORM OF PREJUDICE... stop being ridiculous... Remember that most users here are Brazilians
Why did they delete my comment in Portuguese? In the 21st century, are you segregating other languages? the largest tibia community is BR... it has automatic translations... just as we should use the translator, you can also use it to translate the language... THIS IS A FORM OF PREJUDICE... stop being ridiculous... Remember that most users here are Brazilians
Just for clarification purposes, I have nothing to do with the moderation.
rest assured! 🫶 I am aware that it was moderation with his xenophobic acts towards the Latin people

7. Foreign language:
This is an English community, and you are expected to speak English on the boards. If you wish to communicate with another user in another language, you can do so through visitor, private messages or at the native chatboards.

Follow the rules, this is said by a Latino, I'm Chilean

7. Foreign language:
This is an English community, and you are expected to speak English on the boards. If you wish to communicate with another user in another language, you can do so through visitor, private messages or at the native chatboards.

Follow the rules, this is said by a Latino, I'm Chilean

bro actually has a point it's 2024 we have LLMs now
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What's the reason behind share it without a repository ? or do not release it without the commits' history?

i saw that you made a thread before, but u worked alone without help and keeping the files privates. this made it all a little bit weird to me
how are u planing to make people contribute or work in team in this repo?
Should found bugs and post the fix in order to get access ?

have my own repository,ikept it private just cuz of the data pack, would like to release repo without compromising my data pack files but displaying all the commits. would be this possible?
i now i can't simply make it public . Because people could search for older commits and get them. after get the project just disappear.

my server has lots of custom content like, overspawn, monster skill, target strategies, lure monsters, mw timer, fields display owner, thief loot, loot channel, new monster ai taken, weapons, spell defense, mosnter formulas, multiworld, , npcs monsters movement behavior. market system, wings auras, mounts shaders, a lot of oldschool features. market system. XOR DERcYPT KEY FEATURE and so on
othire/ mostalrius formulas
hit stacked creatures/monsters /height stack parcel block, improvements in sources to fix memory leaks and lots of content that i can't remember now(
nothing self made but adapted things to get it working in thre newer files)
and if i have not released this if becsause what i've said before, in spite of it i have released tons of content to this community.

i released the first real 7.4 datapack working with it files sources , when no one wanted to make it, and more too.

when i meet this community back in the days like in 2015 people used to work all together in projects, don't know what happened.
wonder why high levels devs do not work on projects all together. There a few ones but there are a full bunch of others that do not do that like @adric21 that always is trash talking over the servers features but have never intended to work with others, like @codexng and bunch of other guys that were left outside just by complaining about how things were being handled.

im bored of work alone, but bored of people that offers things to after it face and scam attempt
im pretty sure i few of us ( members of the community. begin to work all together. i mean old school lovers devs gets together, or custom content ot dev like naruto, pokemon, or new tibia devs and so on or so pick a repository to work on the project might success, making branch of it. ive seen a lots of sources files that are incredible, but once the server get online it don't get succeed because the guy with the files source is unkown or don't know how to admin things or even worst don't know what does even have or it potential .

Oftenly too y see devs making threads talking in plural, even when we know it's not a team and just that guy. Everything would be cooler if we begin to make things together, people in the forum are not players, but devs content devs or people who love to get it's hands dirty a

i mean projets like medivia, etc didnt succed just because of one guy. what if a lot of us begin a communitary project not for free. but maybe something with a common pit. like get money as community in order to pay programmers to improve the source code or fix things that has been broken by years
so whose have donated get like a qualification.

things would 've been so much different if us a community bought the source of otcv8 instead of people buying it by themselves(alone) keeping it to themselves just to release it when they do not get developer assistance because they don't know what else to do
the same with dlls client file that fixs few functions inservers or like the servers that ezz sells , we all could get those features.. it's ridiculous to buy a server like a coca cola.. like i made a server and sell it over and a over. would be eaier to buy it as community
What's the reason behind share it without a repository ? or do not release it without the commits' history?
I have already stated MANY times the reasons I am not making the repository public yet, but the main reason is that I don't want anyone slowing me down, nor do I want anyone putting in a PR that sits for a long time waiting to be approved and it discourages them from contributing. As for the commit history, you are mistaken, for the same reason I assume you don't know my reasons for keeping it private... you didn't do enough reading apparently. The commit history is 100% included. It is included in the folder named "git". If you are unsure how to properly access and display this information, then you should refer to the link I shared that explains and demonstrates exactly that... Here is that link !

Should found bugs and post the fix in order to get access ?
No. You don't have to do a thing to get access, except wait.

im bored of work alone, but bored of people that offers things to after it face and scam attempt
I understand your frustration! To be clear though, I have never sold anything in this community, not even services.... and I most certainly never scammed anyone, or uploaded fraudulent software.

To the rest of that long rant you did.... I understand your feelings, you are not alone. I agree if there was more teamwork and less gatekeeping things could be better.

You just need to understand that I am not trying to discourage others enthusiasm by letting them make PR's that are going to definitely go stale and need rebased like five times before I get to them, that is because I HAVE GOALS, AND I HAVE A PLAN! Now if you don't like that, fine, that's your prerogative! No one is making you use the server, and no I am not going to keep all my work private. Look me up on this forum, find my posts, my threads... you will see I share, I help, I try to put energy into helping the community grow, and IN FACT THAT IS WHAT I AM DOING WITH THIS PROJECT! I chose to share it after other's asked for it! I only even did this pre-release (as opposed to waiting for an official release), simply because people were urging me to share ASAP!

If you don't want to use something because its closed source, I understand... this isn't closed source.
If you don't want to use something because it doesn't share its commit history, I understand... this shares the commit history.

If you just want to cry about the github not being public to try to force my hand into getting what you want, well then I am sorry to say that is not going to work! It's my decision, and I will open the github when I'm damn good and ready to do so. I WILL NOT BE MAKING SAME MISTAKES I SEEN OTHERS MAKE ALL THESE YEARS! The first one being lack of api documentation and no clear guide on getting started. These things I want to have complete before I open it up and get spammed a thousand times by people all asking and complaining about the same things and none of them apparently READING THE POSTS ABOVE THEM! You are a prime example of exactly that, you come on here, not knowing HOW to see the commit history and so you accuse me of not sharing it... and further more go to say how it gives you "weird vibes". Don't use it then, simple as that.
What's the reason behind share it without a repository ? or do not release it without the commits' history?

i saw that you made a thread before, but u worked alone without help and keeping the files privates. this made it all a little bit weird to me
how are u planing to make people contribute or work in team in this repo?
Should found bugs and post the fix in order to get access ?

have my own repository,ikept it private just cuz of the data pack, would like to release repo without compromising my data pack files but displaying all the commits. would be this possible?
i now i can't simply make it public . Because people could search for older commits and get them. after get the project just disappear.

my server has lots of custom content like, overspawn, monster skill, target strategies, lure monsters, mw timer, fields display owner, thief loot, loot channel, new monster ai taken, weapons, spell defense, mosnter formulas, multiworld, , npcs monsters movement behavior. market system, wings auras, mounts shaders, a lot of oldschool features. market system. XOR DERcYPT KEY FEATURE and so on
othire/ mostalrius formulas
hit stacked creatures/monsters /height stack parcel block, improvements in sources to fix memory leaks and lots of content that i can't remember now(
nothing self made but adapted things to get it working in thre newer files)
and if i have not released this if becsause what i've said before, in spite of it i have released tons of content to this community.

i released the first real 7.4 datapack working with it files sources , when no one wanted to make it, and more too.

when i meet this community back in the days like in 2015 people used to work all together in projects, don't know what happened.
wonder why high levels devs do not work on projects all together. There a few ones but there are a full bunch of others that do not do that like @adric21 that always is trash talking over the servers features but have never intended to work with others, like @codexng and bunch of other guys that were left outside just by complaining about how things were being handled.

im bored of work alone, but bored of people that offers things to after it face and scam attempt
im pretty sure i few of us ( members of the community. begin to work all together. i mean old school lovers devs gets together, or custom content ot dev like naruto, pokemon, or new tibia devs and so on or so pick a repository to work on the project might success, making branch of it. ive seen a lots of sources files that are incredible, but once the server get online it don't get succeed because the guy with the files source is unkown or don't know how to admin things or even worst don't know what does even have or it potential .

Oftenly too y see devs making threads talking in plural, even when we know it's not a team and just that guy. Everything would be cooler if we begin to make things together, people in the forum are not players, but devs content devs or people who love to get it's hands dirty a

i mean projets like medivia, etc didnt succed just because of one guy. what if a lot of us begin a communitary project not for free. but maybe something with a common pit. like get money as community in order to pay programmers to improve the source code or fix things that has been broken by years
so whose have donated get like a qualification.

things would 've been so much different if us a community bought the source of otcv8 instead of people buying it by themselves(alone) keeping it to themselves just to release it when they do not get developer assistance because they don't know what else to do
the same with dlls client file that fixs few functions inservers or like the servers that ezz sells , we all could get those features.. it's ridiculous to buy a server like a coca cola.. like i made a server and sell it over and a over. would be eaier to buy it as community
I wonder why you have to be so negative when codinablack is actually trying to do good.. hmph this forum will never change
What's the reason behind share it without a repository ? or do not release it without the commits' history?
Sorry for getting involved but just wanted to add my guess on this...
johnsamir said:
i saw that you made a thread before, but u worked alone without help and keeping the files privates. this made it all a little bit weird to me how are u planing to make people contribute or work in team in this repo?
Some repositories doesn't seek contributors. Because in this case, Codina is skilled enought to work and test his work.

johnsamir said:
Should found bugs and post the fix in order to get access ?
That's what support board does every day. The access is the answer that you get, and that access is provided by two possible scenarios.
a) someone has the script you seeking
b) someone skilled built the script for you

johnsamir said:
have my own repository,ikept it private just cuz of the data pack, would like to release repo without compromising my data pack files but displaying all the commits. would be this possible?
i now i can't simply make it public . Because people could search for older commits and get them. after get the project just disappear.

I had this feeling years ago when I released this:

Felt great on that work. But I see those now and my first thoughts are, hmmm, they're not that great. And there's a really really good reason for it. This content I shared was made with resources that can be found at otland. The real big thing here is, what is MISSING in the outcome I desire? and there's when people who's speciallist at coding, mapping, etc. makes a difference.

Now, this thing I just said has a big BUT, sometimes when people shares all this resources from otland in an ordered way (with folders, scripts, etc. that are clean), it become a HUGE contribution. Here's a good example: GitHub - EPuncker/orts2: ORTS datapack working on latest TFS (https://github.com/EPuncker/orts2). And a much more good example is GitHub - nekiro/TFS-1.5-Downgrades at 8.60 (https://github.com/nekiro/TFS-1.5-Downgrades/tree/8.60), nekiro was able to CLEAN the code from theforgottenserver main branch, in a way that all of us can use it in our desired protocol.

johnsamir said:
my server has lots of custom content like, overspawn, monster skill, target strategies, lure monsters, mw timer, fields display owner, thief loot, loot channel, new monster ai taken, weapons, spell defense, mosnter formulas, multiworld, , npcs monsters movement behavior. market system, wings auras, mounts shaders, a lot of oldschool features. market system. XOR DERcYPT KEY FEATURE and so on
othire/ mostalrius formulas
hit stacked creatures/monsters /height stack parcel block, improvements in sources to fix memory leaks and lots of content that i can't remember now(
nothing self made but adapted things to get it working in thre newer files)
and if i have not released this if becsause what i've said before, in spite of it i have released tons of content to this community.
Ok let's go one by one.
overspawn, is avaible;
monster skill, is avaible;
target strategies, not idea what is it but thats a share I suppose;
lure monsters, is avaible;
mw timer, old as fuck;
fields display owner, is avaible;
thief loot, idk;
loot channel, is avaible;
and I can continue but honestly, those things are really ESSENTIAL to replicate 8.6 protocol in this case? All that is custom stuff and as developers, why pointing custom stuff if that stuff are things that you personally would like to merge in your game. We need clean-up, that's the main reason why all stuff is here and there...

johnsamir said:
im bored of work alone, but bored of people that offers things to after it face and scam attempt
im pretty sure i few of us ( members of the community. begin to work all together. i mean old school lovers devs gets together, or custom content ot dev like naruto, pokemon, or new tibia devs and so on or so pick a repository to work on the project might success, making branch of it. ive seen a lots of sources files that are incredible, but once the server get online it don't get succeed because the guy with the files source is unkown or don't know how to admin things or even worst don't know what does even have or it potential .

This is the same comment I saw in otclientv8 before it got released. You can't force a pipeline for everyone. The only way to work along with others is when you share a common objective. In this case you must know in advance that you're going to have to share your own work this your teammate, work that cost you a lot of work but that can only be greater if you start to review it with more people.

And putting this in a big scale. If you need contributors, the BEST thing you can do is to do a public release of your work (even if that took me years, and lots of pain, immeasurable suffering, and days of wanting to throw the computer out the window and then burn it with benzine).

johnsamir said:
Oftenly too y see devs making threads talking in plural, even when we know it's not a team and just that guy. Everything would be cooler if we begin to make things together, people in the forum are not players, but devs content devs or people who love to get it's hands dirty

It's because "that guy" is the main brain behind the change. The "we" are the contributors who's trying to push his work (always in a respectful way)

johnsamir said:
i mean projets like medivia, etc didnt succed just because of one guy. what if a lot of us begin a communitary project not for free. but maybe something with a common pit. like get money as community in order to pay programmers to improve the source code or fix things that has been broken by years
so whose have donated get like a qualification.

Man this is purely negativity. Think why this:

Become this.

There's a feature on git that's been there always, that is BOUNTY. There's stuff that just out of people who's maintaining theforgottenserver, they don't know how to fix it, and need help from better programmers. Any of us have studied a programming career? Because I don't and been here and there trying to help anyways.

johnsamir said:
things would 've been so much different if us a community bought the source of otcv8 instead of people buying it by themselves(alone) keeping it to themselves just to release it when they do not get developer assistance because they don't know what else to do the same with dlls client file that fixs few functions inservers or like the servers that ezz sells , we all could get those features.. it's ridiculous to buy a server like a coca cola.. like i made a server and sell it over and a over. would be eaier to buy it as community
What you buy with your money is yours. I have never bought otserver resources and never been called a leecher for it. The reason is on all the comments I just wrote. Please don't get mad at me for pointing all this but sometimes I feel like this discussions are going anywhere and a thread that was supposed to share developing stuff, turns in annoying directions (be honest, this kind of posts we're replicated over and over and over again).

At the end of the day you're reading pure bullshit instead of this little sharings. For what I saw on this thread, at the moment, there's a commit log in the beginning (that show us where Codina focus his work), second, there's a pipeline (well drawn, it looks there's an intention to share the information with order), and finally a youtube video (where Codina show us that commit logs can be read, without actually sharing the whole UNFINISHED project).

So that's it! hahaha. Took my time to write and now i'm in a rush because I have to be somewhere in a few minutes. But man, let's keep building a good direction for all of us. There's a lots of new amazing things iv'e seen these last days and can only get better.

It's all good guys, I don't blame anyone for the negative views taken on things here in this community. I only hope to play a part in helping change those types of perspectives.
don't know what ppl think that i says is negativity i was just replying my thoughts as asking how would be possible to, if. because is almost no possible to contribute or pull requests if there's no git repo yet. is it weird way to do things but yeah i know codinablack is good dev and might not need help and so on but that's its hehehe. and no wrries @galke got you ^^
don't know what ppl think that i says is negativity i was just replying my thoughts as asking how would be possible to, if. because is almost no possible to contribute or pull requests if there's no git repo yet. is it weird way to do things but yeah i know codinablack is good dev and might not need help and so on but that's its hehehe. and no wrries @galke got you ^^
In time it will be open for public, I have given myself the first day of summer as maximum deadline for doing so.
In time it will be open for public, I have given myself the first day of summer as maximum deadline for doing so.
great to hear
would like to contribute, with custom stuff that i have in my files, i've seen lot of ppl looking for it and the codes are spread all over the forusm and they're are not like you cdan just copy paste and get it working. so don't know if other would like it so. but that's my proposal
I believe 10.98 should have Prey System and the Imbuiment from the 2016 update.

I always wanted to start a TFS 10.9X project using Prey/Imbuiment as a base for a low RPG project lol, but that's only a thing i wanted myself i don't
know if someone else agree. (and at this point, forge xD)

To make an imbuement with this system, you do so by creating it in lua like so
--- Imbuement(type, value, duration, decaytype)
local imbue = Imbuement(IMBUEMENT_TYPE_DEATH_DAMAGE, 15, 65, 2) -- decaytype 1 for equipped, 2 for infight, i forgot to register their enums :D

The item must have slots already. I have included a test talk action I was using to make imbued items for testing.

Here is a picture of the available imbuement api, but the sources also contain comments inside each method (in the sources) to serve as an example.

and also a picture of the available "types"



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